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You cannot beat the laws of physics that warm air rises and this process causes thermal stratification, a natural process which causes warm air to rise to the ceiling or roof space and displaces the cooler air, pushing it downwards into the occupied area. With any conventional air heating system, air will rise to the roof level by natural convection in high building such as factories, warehouses and sports centres. This can result in high temperature gradients and consequently increased energy usage. The Carbon Trust  estimates that the use of destratification fans in industrial buildings with high ceilings can reduce the consumption by up to 20%.Flexiheat UK’s range of destratification fans reverse the natural convection process, re-circulating the warm air back to working levels and provide a permanent reduction in roof space temperature and uniform temperature distribution within the building , via thermal destratification

The Benefits Of Destratification Fans / Industrial Ceiling Fans –

Increased energy efficiency
Lower energy costs
Improved comfort for the workforce
Potentially fewer heaters required
Can be used for cooling effect in the summer

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